

An extension of hunting hours is limiting park visiting hours

The national Majjistral Park is in a plea, after both the Nationalist party and the Labour party vote in favour of increasing hunting and trapping hours . So much so that the public can no longer enjoy the park without risking getting their heads shot off. Majjistral is the first legal 'N ational Nature and History Park' that was set up by the Malt ese government. Funding is minimal but the initial scope is to keep capitalist spectators away from the sight and eradicate any future 'golf course' proposals.  Compromises however had to be initiated, especially for the bird hunters who in Malta know no boundaries. At first the hunters were allowed to make use of the area  till nine in the morning and later an hour for their enjoyment was added. A recent notice however has extended the hours to twelve thirty and trappings till two thirty in the afternoon on weekdays.  The initial idea was that till nine in the morning barely any visitors would attend the ...

Malta has the poorest recycling rate in the EU

As of Monday the 27th of November 2017, the Times Of Malta issued a piece claiming that Malta officially had the poorest recycling rate in the EU and that it had been getting worse by time. Was this a surprise? I think not. Malta or rather Maltese people have  made quite a mark on the fact that they do not give a squat about their environment. I'm sure that everyone has heard the infamous ''Not my problem!'' when they told someone to take care of the environment for their children's and grandchildren's sake. The situation outside is so bad the infamous environmentalist cartoon character Xummiemu gave up and moved to Sweden years ago! The rate of recycling has gone down from 10% in 2012 to a disappointing 6.7% in 2015 and what has the government been doing to increase these rates? The Maltese would say; ''Boq'' or ''Ma nafx'', their overused terms translating to ''I don't know''. All EU countries ...

An Introduction to me and my Blog

To briefly introduce myself my name is Roxanne Grillo, I am 19 and currently in my first year of studies at the University of Malta. My course is a B.A in Communication Studies and English. I have always had a love for the English language and its literature and that has led me to where I am today. The concept of studying Communication Studies has only been but very recent.  I generally prefer staying indoors with my cats and a good film or TV show. I enjoy baking and being creative in the culinary arts, but most of all I enjoy eating. I love collecting makeup products, just as much as I enjoy collecting books. I also seem to find great pleasure in organising and cleaning and could spend hours doing so. I generally spend my time trying to communicate with my cats and watching YouTube videos. As much as I enjoy eating I also enjoy the aspect of nutrition, especially through studying Home Economics at A-level standard, but if you ever find me at the gym be quick and call a doct...